The Energizer Bunny

The ‘Energizer Bunny’ was a name I had been given by a local newspaper after a rec league soccer game. The name says it all and I still haven’t slowed down much. I started playing soccer when I was 5 years old, copying my big brother and aggressing my way to the goal. As I got older, I moved into a travel league and soccer became life. Every weekend my dad and I would travel to states along the east coast for tournaments. I played forward and goal keeper throughout most of my time on the field. In high school, I dabbled in gymnastics, track & field and even field hockey but soccer remained the focus. I continued to play up until post college when I was in a mixed league in NYC. After a series of injuries, I decided to move onto something else like running, but eventually found CrossFit. 

I met my now husband on that NYC soccer team, and he pushed me to try CrossFit. Admittedly, I hated it when I started. I had signed on for an initial three month commitment, so I couldn’t quit as soon as I wanted to. What I think hindered me was my attitude. I couldn’t stand other women being stronger and faster – the competitor (and child) in me was angered. Eventually, I came around and learned to appreciate the journey of learning all there is to learn about fitness and what my body can handle.I stopped comparing myself to others and focused on my own capabilities instead. After a while, I craved the feeling of power and the pain that came along with metabolic conditioning. 

I didn’t think my career path would lead me into coaching, but here we are. I ended up running an affiliate in the city for close to a year before Matt and I sold the gym and moved to Jersey City, NJ. We both learned so much about business, each other and what we really want in life. I love coaching and mostly I just enjoy watching others with the realizations that they are getting stronger, fitter, and more confident! When I see someone pushing themselves after months of complaining that they couldn’t do something – and now suddenly they can – that brings me joy. Shoutout to all the badass mothers who bring more strength and grit to the gym than most! 

While my energy levels may have changed since I was five, I don’t intend to slow down (baby or not!). I have come a long way as an athlete, and now this transition into parenthood will have its own set of challenges. Athleticism will always run in my veins and whether I’m coaching, being a mom or in the middle of my own workout, I know that foundation will always take me far.

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